Try SEO Powersuite For 30 Days for FREE
The term Search Engine Optimisation is a way to make sure that search engines will find your websites. The SEO Powersuite set of tools from Link Assistant comprises of the four separate programs. Each one helping you achieve better SEO for your website, the goal here is to drive more traffic to your website.
Before we begin you will want to download the free version of the entire suite, each tool can be downloaded separately but you will want to check out the entire suite free for 30 days, the best part is no credit, debit or any form of payment is required. Even better is that seo powersuite is a cross platform set of apps, that work on PC, Mac and Linux.
Driving traffic to your site might sound easy, but if it’s broken then the search engines will rank it lower than a site with better content and working links. So we need to use our first tool to check the state of the website is the Website Auditor tool.
By running this tool you should get a pretty good idea of how healthly your site is. Uncovering issues could not be simpler than running a quick scan of your website.
After the audit has finished, you will be shown all the errors the tool has found. From the site structure – site audit tab you can work through the list on easily fixable items as in the right window will guide you in correcting the errors.
The next section deals with redirects.
Issues with HTTP/ HTTPS
On-page SEO
You should be able to quickly sort these after your first run.
Another metric to check is the broken links, a big culprit of this is hard coded footers or side bar links that no longer exist and guess what it’s on every page on your site causing you to have loads of broken links. Again this should be quick to fix.
Once you have fixed the broken on page seo I would then use rank tracker and then follow the individual page audit after rank tracker has finished.
Once you have run the site audit you can go deeper and run individual page audits pinpointing the best SEO practices for a particular search engine. By checking your site vs the top 10 competition, Website Auditor will help you tune your on page SEO giving you advice on what to optimise. Make the necessary changes and re-scan.
We can see from the results above we have 3 Errors to fix immediately, 27 Warnings , and 38 information results.
First job we need to check is why we have the errors, so click on the error you will see (in our case) which page has the missing title tag, and also two duplicate title tags.
In our results I can see that our billing system is the cause of the issue, so we need to deal with that by editing the source code. But if they where in a platform such as WordPress, you could simply install Yoast SEO then simply navigate to the page or post with the issue, simple edit the title, meta description, and if pages have duplicated titles check the way the categories or tags have been set up. Yoast will help you put this right.
Once you have made an edit, run the audit again to see if the Error has disappeared.
The next tool to use is rank tracker, as the name suggests it will track your ranking positions on your selected keywords you are aiming to do well for. If you already have a website running, you can find what keywords your site is being included in google webmasters search queries or Bing webmasters tool. If you choose the words with a higher CTR this should give you a good starting point. Add some of these keywords into rank tracker and perform a scan to see where you rank in the search engines you have selected. We mainly use Google, Bing, Yahoo and AOL here in the UK. It just depends where your market is based.
From this data gathered if you are already on page 1 then well done, are you ranking 1st? If not don’t worry, you now have the tools in the suite to help you get there. Have a look under the Ranking data tab, is the keyword targeting the correct page on your site?
Common problem are over optimised homepages will take traffic from the correct page, giving you false high ranks then drop you down the search engine when it finds your correct page. Here you need to use Website auditor to optimise the page for the correct keywords.
Use the “suggest keywords” option to find better keywords for your market, from the list it generates it will give you competition, searches and KEI. Basically this is telling you are you against high competition or are you in a real easy niche with medium to low competition with a lots of searches.
Hopefully you have used website auditor to optimise your pages you will need to use both these tools together. If you have made tweaks then in rank tracker it is important to add comments for the project, to do this Click on Preferences and Events. Add what page you made a tweak, a dotted line will appear, you can now see when you made changes and now most importantly what effect it has had on your ranking position.